
ST Autonomous Lane Assist

The first step towards achieving autonomous or semi-autonomous sailing has become a reality. Shipping Technology launched its first automated sailing product, the ST Autonomous Lane Assist. This intelligent tool generates optimal lanes, routes and controls the steering pilot based on all available connected data, including both real-time and historical information. The captain will monitor this automatically generated smart lane and can intervene to navigate through traffic or respond to requests. This is the essence of its “semi-autonomous” classification, although the vessel itself navigates autonomously.

Our second ST Sailing Automation product is ST Conditional Automated Sailing. This product has features compared to our steering assistance tool. Both the steering pilot and the main propulsion will be under the control of our smart system. Thanks to the integration with the advanced ST Collision Detection systems, the captain can intervene upon request or in the event of malfunctions.

With the ST BRAIN’s technical adjustments, these products enable autonomous or semi-autonomous sailing on both new and existing ships.

Our team has conducted four years of real-life testing with our test ships and upscaled to four test ships with different profiles and sailing areas to ensure that our products meet modern expectations and requirements. We are closely monitoring and are in close contact with authorities’ decisions to ensure compatibility with different levels of automation.

Dare to discover and make sure you are part of our ST official product launches!